Steal the System I Use To Help Organize Six-Figure Businesses

In my ClickUp Templates Starter Kit, you’ll learn how to organize your content, clients, and projects all in one streamlined tool.

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
You’re ready to get organized in your online business… but you actually have no idea where to start.

How would it feel to implement a tool that was more than

just a pretty to-do list? 

 My multi-six and seven-figure clients and I use ClickUp to: 

Organize and strategically batch out social media content, podcasting, and visibility efforts. 

Track and manage incoming leads and client progress. 

Hire, onboard, and delegate to the team.


 And with these templates, you can learn how to organize your business in the tool that pretty much does it all.

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder
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Project Management Starter Kit: ClickUpCreated by: Sam Whisnant$77

What's Inside:

5 Space Templates with 15+ Folders & List Templates (all compatible with the free plan!), covering everything from CEO quarterly goals, content management, SOPs, client management, and digital product creation.

 Video walkthrough of ClickUp teaching you all the basics and highlighting all the features on the free plan (+ how to know when you’re ready for that paid version!). 

Complete tutorial of each template and how to customize them to your business.

  • Total payment
  • 1xClickUp Starter Kit Templates$77

All prices in USD