The Scalable MarketingMini Mind

Build your online marketing machine in this 6-week, live mini mind so you can stay consistent, explode your online presence and double your sales with streamlined AF content systems.

It's finally time to close your laptop… until you remember you still need to create a post for the day. 

You’re tired of waking up, scrapping together a post, leaving you only 5 minutes before your first call, and it doesn’t even do well… 

 And you’re damn tired of waiting for *inspiration to strike*, only to end the day feeling too drained to create something from scratch. 

Meanwhile, you see that coach taking a full two weeks offline without her content missing a beat. Feed posts, stories, and sales coming in... 

And you're stuck wishing you could plan ahead more, batch create, and eventually outsource without procrastinating  worrying about your brand voice getting lost in the process.
What's Included

Six live one hour workshops where we will create your marketing machine together

 Exclusive Slack group where you can ask questions, troubleshoot, and get 1:1 feedback from Sam 

Content calendar templates for ClickUp, Asana, and Google Sheets 

PRESALE BONUS: 30-minute 1:1 strategy call

Perfect for you if:

You’re already creating content, even if it’s in a scrappy, sporadic way. It’s time to build a structure that makes consistently a breeze. 

 You’re one and done-ing your content ideas, disregarding future potential gold. You need a repurposing system that can 5x-10x your current output.

You want to utilize content support - whether that is in the form of tools, AI, or a team member, you're ready to cut your creation time in half. 

Scalable Marketing Mini Mind [$100 Off]$0

Six live one hour workshops where we will create your marketing machine together 

Exclusive Slack group where you can ask questions, troubleshoot, and get 1:1 feedback from Sam 

Content calendar templates for ClickUp, Asana, and Google Sheets 

  • Total payment
  • 1xScalable Marketing Mini Mind [$100 Off]$0

All prices in USD

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($597.00)$597.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $300.00)2x $300.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
